As the rise of quantum computing looms on the horizon, the security of cryptocurrencies faces a grave challenge. Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL), the pioneering post-quantum store...
In a significant development for Hong Kong’s ambitions to become a leading virtual-assets hub, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has announced the finalization of rules...
Concerns about the environmental impact of cryptocurrency transactions are increasingly coming to the forefront. This article explores the potential ecological consequences of virtual currencies and raises...
In the latest wave of cryptocurrency scams, a 47-year-old Hong Kong company director has been swindled out of more than HK$16 million (US$2 million). The businessman,...
In a distressing turn of events, Tom Roberts, a 66-year-old British man, has fallen victim to an intricate cryptocurrency scheme, losing £10,000 of his hard-earned retirement...
On May 22nd, Bitcoin enthusiasts around the globe celebrate an important milestone known as “Bitcoin Pizza Day.” This day marks a significant event in Bitcoin’s history...
With the recent failures of traditional banks, an increasing number of individuals are turning to cryptocurrencies in search of enhanced financial security. With the potential for...
In a momentous public appearance, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. officially unveiled his candidacy for the presidency at the Bitcoin 2023 conference. Addressing an enthusiastic audience, Kennedy...
A group of 12 states, led by Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin, has expressed their opposition to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed rule that...
New Delhi: A recent cryptocurrency scam has come to light involving two teenagers, aged 17 and 19, from Rajasthan. The suspects allegedly deceived individuals through a...